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  Updates on Future Posts MOVING CONTENT TO X (Twitter) I will no longer be that active on my webpage but will shift to my X account.  I have learned and grown from my experience writing blog posts/ recording in my online day trading journal. At this time, I feel a stronger pull to change the medium by which I document and share my progress. Change and growth is an ongoing process.  I look forward to the future. Sincerely, Helixtrader36  Follow @helixtrader36 Tweets by helixtrader36
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Option Day Trading: 7/3/23

  My Daily Process for Trading Options DAY GOALS & RULES TRADING PROCESS Focus on  reaction zone cross-overs  with confirmations for an RZ reject or bounce. For continuation outside of determined zones, check for any intra-day new RZ formations for fractal continuation. Only enter if the setup is triggered. $500 position only. Maintain a 10% loss structure  ($150 max loss with $500 positions) . If three losses on any day, I will be done for the day. When 8am PST occurs, then done for the day. MINDSET BE DISCIPLINED. BE PATIENT. BE MINDFUL. RELINQUISH. EMBRACE UNCERTAINITY. EMBRACE CHANGE. REFLECTION I took almost a month-long hiatus from journaling online to focus on developing psychological and trading processes. If I have any readers, my apologies, but it was necessary for a momentary break. As a result, I have refined my process further, and is more specific and robust. I am also working on a new tracking spreadsheet, so updates will be made soon. PRE-MARKET PLANS Market News We

Weekly Review: 5/8/23 to 5/12/23

  My Weekly Review Process OVERVIEW I started the week with little to show for it on Monday . I played what I was supposed to, but my thresholds were hit, and looking back, I got in too soon and sold too soon. Other than that, I was dead on with the play. It was more of a timing/patience game. Which is hard to work on when I am still trying to gain confidence. Tuesday continued to provide adamant resistance to success. I was 100% ready for opportunities, but the follow-through on my plays left much to be deserved. Nonetheless, I played what I needed to play and left it at that. Frustration was definitely building up here.  On Wednesday , more testing of patience and timing. I still need to improve in achieving profitability, but I am on the right track with my chosen plays. The opportunities were clear, but my mindset and self hindered my success. I see it more clearly than ever. Relinquishment will help correct this, and patience and mindfulness will help stabilize it. The day ended

Option Day Trading SPY and TSLA: 5/12/23

  My Daily Process for Trading SPY and TSLA Options DAY GOALS & RULES Focus on Intraday System Pattern A. Pattern A:  reaction zone cross-overs with confirmations for an RZ reject or bounce. (1) CONTRACT SIZE. BE PATIENT  FOR ENTRIES AND EXITS. If a move is in favor, take partial or all profits to minimize risk. Patience will give me what I seek. BE MINDFUL. RELINQUISH. THE WHEN, WHY, AND HOW OF MY TRADING NEED TO CHANGE. It is a time-and-self game now. EMBRACE CHANGE. EMBRACE UNCERTAINTY. REFLECTION I will continue my CBT formulation this week and exercise mindfulness with my trading.  I added  relinquishment  to my daily goals. This one new aspect is going to be instrumental in my growth.  I am starting to understand that I fear  uncertainty  very profoundly. Even though I perceive and know my decisions, there lies the illusion in my choices. Knowing makes uncertainty low or eliminates it for me. But in reality, uncertainty is in everything all the time. The  impermanence  of eve

Option Day Trading SPY and TSLA: 5/11/23

  My Daily Process for Trading SPY and TSLA Options DAY GOALS & RULES Focus on Intraday System Pattern A. Pattern A:  reaction zone cross-overs with confirmations for an RZ reject or bounce. (1) CONTRACT SIZE. BE PATIENT  FOR ENTRIES AND EXITS. If a move is in favor, take partial or all profits to minimize risk. Patience will give me what I seek. BE MINDFUL. RELINQUISH. THE WHEN, WHY, AND HOW OF MY TRADING NEED TO CHANGE. It is a time-and-self game now. EMBRACE CHANGE. EMBRACE UNCERTAINTY. REFLECTION I will continue my CBT formulation this week and exercise mindfulness with my trading.  I added  relinquishment  to my daily goals. This one new aspect is going to be instrumental in my growth.  I am starting to understand that I fear uncertainty very profoundly. Even though I perceive and know my decisions, there lies the illusion in my choices. Knowing makes uncertainty low or eliminates it for me. But in reality, uncertainty is in everything all the time. The impermanence of everyt

Option Day Trading SPY and TSLA: 5/10/23

  My Daily Process for Trading SPY and TSLA Options DAY GOALS & RULES Focus on Intraday System Pattern A. Pattern A:  reaction zone cross-overs with confirmations for an RZ reject or bounce. (1) CONTRACT SIZE. BE PATIENT  FOR ENTRIES AND EXITS. If a move is in favor, take partial or all profits to minimize risk. Patience will give me what I seek. BE MINDFUL. RELINQUISH. THE WHEN, WHY, AND HOW OF MY TRADING NEED TO CHANGE. It is a time-and-self game now. REFLECTION I will continue my CBT formulation this week and exercise mindfulness with my trading.  I added relinquishment to my daily goals. This one new aspect is going to be instrumental in my growth.  PRE-MARKET PLANS Market News We have Core Inflation  Rate data today at 5:30am PST as the high-impact news. SPY For today, I have these levels marked:  Reaction Zones:  413.50sh (green zone)- witnessed the crossover based on the information. Let's see if w hold it and come retest the RZ for a possible bounce and continuation up

Option Day Trading SPY and TSLA: 5/9/23

  My Daily Process for Trading SPY and TSLA Options DAY GOALS & RULES Focus on Intraday System Pattern A. Pattern A:  reaction zone cross-overs with confirmations for an RZ reject or bounce. (1) CONTRACT SIZE. BE PATIENT  FOR ENTRIES AND EXITS. If a move is in favor, take partial or all profits to minimize risk. Patience will give me what I seek. BE MINDFUL. RELINQUISH. THE WHEN, WHY, AND HOW OF MY TRADING NEED TO CHANGE. It is a time-and-self game now. REFLECTION I will continue my CBT formulation this week and exercise mindfulness with my trading.  I am in awe of how much the self/psychology plays in everything.  I knew the importance of it from the beginning, but learning how intertwined and far-reaching it really is. PRE-MARKET PLANS Market News We have no high-impact news today. SPY For today, I have these levels marked:  Reaction Zones:  413.50sh (yellow zone)- wait for the cross-over. 411.50ish (red zone)- Cross-over occurred. Wait for the retest for the possible rejection.